Expanding our capacity to serve more mothers and children at Mother’s Refuge


Breaking generational poverty cycles and moving from survival to thriving takes time and patience. This is more essential when it involves young moms and new babies who need all the encouragement we can provide.

Generous support for Welcome Home: Expanding our capacity to serve more mothers and children at Mother’s Refuge will make this a reality.


TOTAL GOAL: $6,925,000

AMOUNT RAISED: $5,830,705

REMAINING GOAL: $1,094,295

Make a forever impact by naming one of the many rooms in the new transitional living building!


Young & Pregnant with no place to call home

Maybe there is a place to stay, but not one that’s safe. A place to sleep, but one that comes with strings. A place to go, but not a place where one would want to be, let alone bring an innocent new life.

Heartbreaking—almost too hard to comprehend—this is the stark reality faced by young women in and around the Kansas City metropolitan area.

Fortunately, we have the opportunity to change everything for the better through our campaign, Welcome Home, that will expand our capacity to serve more young moms and their precious children.

Since 1987, Mother’s Refuge has been bridging the gap—caring for young women during their pregnancies and supporting them along the way. This work is important and life changing. The vision to restore hope and empower young mothers requires much more: More space. More time. More resources. Overcoming difficult circumstances as a young, pregnant woman is hard, and it is immeasurably more difficult with a newborn. Every weight and worry is multiplied. Every hardship from the past is more frightening, because now there is a new life to love, care for, and protect, and finding safe options are limited.


The NEED: Time and Space to Grow

Due to their young age and the lack of affordable housing, young moms are at risk of going back into the very situations that brought them to our home in the first place. Without intensive preparation and a strong support system, much of the success the young women have accomplished at Mother’s Refuge can be swiftly undone.

Currently there is a housing shortage for low-income renters that is estimated to be more than 110,000 households. This makes it extremely hard for young moms to secure a place to live. The good news is that there is a safe place to go when young women find themselves pregnant and without support: Mother’s Refuge. Yet, we are currently at full capacity and, every month, receive approximately 30 calls requesting assistance. The reality is that we are unable to meet these needs due to a lack of space.

The SOLUTION: A Campaign for Transitional Housing.

The Welcome Home campaign will provide transitional housing to ensure young moms receive the time and space needed to prepare for their new roles. It’s anticipated that most moms will remain in transitional housing for eighteen months to three years—enough time to create a new, healthy “normal,” apart from the chaos of always living in “survival mode.”

Each apartment will provide a home to a mom and child as they bond and begin their new life together.

Moms will be surrounded by support and structure as they make plans and become prepared through life skills training, financial literacy and education, while gaining employment and permanent housing.

The purchase of a building and renovations will provide 12 additional units, allowing us to serve 60 moms (18 years of age and older) and their children.

A shared laundry facility and common areas will provide the right balance of community and autonomy.

Others way to get INVOLVED.

  • Volunteer

  • Spread awareness

  • Fundraise

  • Shop our Amazon Wishlist

  • Become a monthly donor

For more information or to make a donation, please contact Kelsi Green - Asst. Executive Director

