Navigating Pregnancy: A Guide for First-Time Moms
Congratulations, mama! Yes, now that you are pregnant, you are officially a mother. You are growing life, nurturing humanity, and becoming a completely new version of yourself. Whether you plan to parent or pursue adoption, you are making the loving choice to choose life. Since this is your first pregnancy you’re probably wondering “What am I doing? Can I do this? Will I be a good mom?” In fact, asking those questions and choosing to read this blog prove that you are. Being a good mom starts with caring about your baby.
All pregnancies are different, but there is nothing quite like being pregnant for the first time. Everything is so new. Your Google search history is probably full of the countless questions that pop into your mind. That weird symptom you’re experiencing? Yes, it’s probably normal, and yes it is probably due to hormonal changes and increased blood flow. With all of the new physical sensations that you are experiencing, there are likely a whole host of emotions that you are carrying with you as well. Navigating pregnancy as a first-time mom is challenging and we are here to help!
Your first order of business is to start your prenatal care. If you already see an OBGYN, give your office a call and let them know that you are pregnant. If you do not have a provider yet, you can call around to doctors near you and look for providers who are accepting new patients.
When selecting a doctor, you want to consider your comfort. Making sure that you feel good about your doctor and their communication style is the first priority. If you are considering working with a provider, read several patient reviews online and see what others have to say. You may have a hospital that you prefer to deliver at, that is also a good place to start looking for a provider. Wherever you receive care, you will want to make sure that they accept your insurance.
Regardless of who you see, prenatal care is incredibly important because it helps prevent complications through early detection, screening, and education. Seeing your OBGYN as scheduled helps ensure a healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby.
The highlight of each appointment will likely be listening to your baby’s heartbeat through a doppler, which is a small handheld ultrasound device that uses sound waves. Those quick “lub-dubs” are the sweetest sound that a pregnant mama can hear. The relief of knowing that the little life growing inside of you is thriving makes all of the discomforts that come with pregnancy so worth it.
“Tip: Use the notes app in your phone to jot down any thoughts or questions as they come about, and then reference it during your appointment. Pregnancy brain is a very real thing! Even if your questions seem embarrassing or make you nervous, it is important to share your concerns with your doctor.”
Outside of seeing a doctor, there are also steps that you can take with your health and the baby’s health in mind. Nutrition is always important, but especially so during pregnancy. If you do not already, begin to think about food as medicine. A healthy pregnancy diet will promote your baby's growth and development. It is important to understand which nutrients you need most and where to find them. If you eat well-balanced and healthy food during your pregnancy, your baby’s body, brain and other organs benefit. A healthy diet will prepare your body for labor and delivery, and has life-long health benefits as well. Enjoying food and listening to your body’s cravings during pregnancy is a fun part of the journey, but it is important to enjoy treats in moderation while nourishing your body and your baby daily.
“Aim to eat a balanced diet, drink lots of water, take your prenatal vitamins daily, and enjoy treats in moderation. ”
Pregnancy is an emotional rollercoaster. One minute you might feel joy, and the next you could be crying for what seems like no reason at all! As a pregnant woman, your day likely has many highs and lows. Each emotion that you feel is valid and deserves the space to be felt. Whether you allow yourself some time to breathe, take the time to journal and write down your thoughts, or have a chat with a friend or loved one, processing your emotions will be of such benefit to you.
Your emotions and feelings toward your pregnancy in general will likely depend on your personal situation. Age, personal health, relationship status, income, and personal history will all play a role in how you may be viewing your pregnancy.
How do you feel about your pregnancy? Do you feel bonded to your baby? It is clear that you are physically connected, as they depend on your body for everything, but they also depend on you for emotional support and connection as they grow. That connection starts in the womb. For some women, maternal instincts and bonding with their unborn babies comes naturally. For others, it can be more of a challenge. Your unique situation and story will have an impact on your bonding instincts.
You may be wondering how you can bond with a person who is not even born yet. Some ideas include:
Singing to your baby
Listening to music
Reading out loud
Selecting a name for your baby and calling them by name while you are still pregnant
Rubbing your belly
Taking pictures of yourself and your pregnant belly
Again, feeling that bond and connection will take time, and sometimes practice, and it is okay if that doesn’t click right away for you!
The best thing that you can do for yourself to care for your emotional well-being while pregnant is to lean into your support system. That can be family and friends, but can also come from other sources. Online forums, pregnant mom groups, and churches can all provide the connection, support, and validation that pregnant women need. Pregnancy is hard, but you do not have to go through it alone, even if you don’t have supportive personal connections in your life yet.
Carrying life is an immense privilege, but it is also a big responsibility. Know that you are capable, and you can be a good mother, despite any shortcomings. The decision to choose life is never wasted. Take a deep breath, mama, and revel in the miracle that you and your baby are.